Serving the Community

Serving the Community

We want our churches to be at the heart of our community and we seek to love our neighbours as Jesus commanded. We do this in a number of ways: from hiring our churches and meeting rooms to providing essential food and support through the Table and Foodbank. You can get a glimpse of what we do on this page, or get in touch to find out more.

The Table is open

between 12 and 1.30pm on Mondays

in St Peter's Church,

Rose Hill, Holywell

For two years, the £2 Food Club in St Peter's has provided much needed practical, spiritual and emotional support to our community and now we are re-launching as 'The Table', which hopes to make this project sustainable for the long-term.

What is the Table?

The Table is run by St Peter's Church in Holywell to support all in our community. There are no barriers to attending and we are open to all. There are a number of aspects to the Table and you can read about them here.

Eating Together

At the heart of the Table is the chance to enjoy a free lunch together, to meet with friends old and new and support each other. You can drop in anytime between 12 and 1.30 for lunch and a chance to chat.

The Pantry

The Table will always have a supply of food and other essentials for all those who come. There will be no barriers to using the Pantry.

While we're open for lunch (12 - 1.30), you'll be able to go into the Pantry and get a selection of things to stock up your cupboards. The exact amount will depend on what we have received.

We suggest a £2 donation, if you are able, so that this part of the Table can continue.

Sign-Posting and Support

At the Table, we'll always have someone to lend a listening ear and provide pastoral care and support - which is open to people of all faiths and none.

As well as a listening ear, we can signpost you to a range of other sources of help.

Bread of Life

The Table always begins with a gathering at the Lord's Table to share worship in a reflective service, to which all are welcome. Whether you've been to church all your life or you're not sure about any of it, you're welcome to come and enjoy the service.

The service starts at 11.30am and lasts for 30 mins.


As you’ll all know, the Table  has been running in St Peter’s since the beginning of the pandemic and has supported over 3000 people in our community with food and a place to be signposted to other sources of support. 

As we become 'The Table' we are still able to accept donations online through the trusted ‘Go Fund Me’ Platform. To donate, click here: 

Donate Here

What is the Foodbank?

Every day people are going hungry for various reasons from permanent redundancy to a temporary exceptionally high bill whilst living on a low income. A simple box of food makes a big difference. The Foodbank provides help to people in crisis and, through the gift of food shows that no one is forgotten and give people hope of a better tomorrow.

The Foodbank operates in St Peter's Church on Wednesdays from 2 - 3.30pm

Using the Foodbank
Before people come to the Foodbank to receive their food parcel they must be issued with a voucher by a referral agency. These include the CAB, local doctors, social workers or Fr Dominic, our Vicar.

If you can't get in touch with Fr Dominic or another referral agency, you can contact the Foodbank directly and they'll put you in touch with someone.

Find out more

Relief Fund

The Holywell Relief Fund is an ancient charity for the relief of those in need in the Holywell, Bagillt and Brynford Area and has been known by several names in its history.

Beginning in January 2021, grants of up to £250 will be made to individuals at the discretion of those responsible for the fund.

To get in touch with Fr Dominic to discuss the Relief Fund, please email him on:

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